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自考在读证明 英文

   日期:2024-11-05 23:27:58     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:46845    
【摘要】鄙视楼上机翻的,证明信那么重要的东西就不要拿来开玩笑了! 要分我给你. 国外标准的证明信很重视格式的,开头应该是 To whom it may concern,

鄙视楼上机翻的,证明信那么重要的东西就不要拿来开玩笑了! 要分我给你. 国外标准的证明信很重视格式的,开头应该是 To whom it may concern, This is to certify that Mr.XXX/Miss XXX was matriculated by the fashion college of XXX universit

CERTIFICATE OF ENROLLMENT This is to certify that XXX, female, born March 30, 1988, has been enrolled at the Pharmacy Department of the Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine since September 2006. Presently she is in h

在读证明:Student certificate XXX,女,汉族,X省X市人,身份证号码为:X。学号为:XXXXX。2006年9月至2010年3月在我院就读。该生将于2010年6月毕业。 特此证明 XXX学院办公室: Certificate This is to certify that XXX, female, the Han na

I need to issue a certificate in reading 我需要开具一份在读证明

ame of living. In the cent

在读证明在自学考试老师的办公室开,由自考班的班主任或者教务部老师填写或打印,并盖有公章。 自考生就是参加自学考试 ,按照所规定的大纲要求进行自学,然后参加(国家教育部自考委)进行命题统考的学生,报名收费是由各个省市教厅委的自考委

时态用的不对,应该用has been doing,表示你从**年至今在读,你用了过去时,现在就不在那里读了!!! 学校名字翻译的也不好,有没有固定的?Shandong Trade Union Management College这个怎么样,没必要每个字去翻译。 Certification of Prese

University Status Verification It is to certify that Ms. ?? ,born on mm/dd/yyyy is registered as a full-time student at Ecnomics School of ?? University for the current academic year in the field of ??.She has an expected gradu

你好,我是华政的自考生,实习的时侯曾经因为工作关系去自考办开证明。 证明在自学考试老师的办公室开,由自考班的班主任或者教务部老师填写或打印,并盖有公章。

翻译如下: XX(学号XXX),女,我校数学科学学院会计学专业2009级本科班学生。 特此证明 XX (student number XXX), female, 2009 grade undergraduate students of accounting major in Mathematics School of our university. Hereby certify

标签: 英文 自考 在读

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