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   日期:2024-10-04 02:13:04     来源:自学考试网    作者:自学考试网    浏览:309    
【摘要】2019年自考英语(一),英语(二)的各题型和重要句型讲解。单选 10 分 语法 词汇完型填空 10 分 语法 词汇阅读 3 篇 30 分单词 20 个 10 分语法填空 10 分中译英 5 句 15 分英译中 一段 15 分英语 ( 一 )( 二 ) 在语...


单选 10 分 语法 词汇

完型填空 10 分 语法 词汇

阅读 3 篇 30 分

单词 20 个 10 分

语法填空 10 分

中译英 5 句 15 分

英译中 一段 15 分

英语 ( 一 )( 二 ) 在语法要求上没有太大的区别 . 英语 ( 二 ) 主要是词汇和阅读理解能力的加深

英语 ( 一 ) 试卷结构 2003 年 4 月份

单选完型 语法 12 分 词汇 8 分

语法填空 语法 10 分

翻译 语法 约 20 分 词汇 约 10 分 把自考站点加入收藏夹

语法 42 分 词汇 18 分

阅读 30 分 有一些题相对简单

单词 10 分

考试重点语法: 2019年自考英语各题型的分数与重要句型讲解


时态、语态、情态动词、非谓语动词 ( 不定式、动名词、分词 )

并列句、复合句 ( 主从 , 宾从 , 表从 , 定从 , 状从 , 同位从 )


主谓 , 主谓状 I study hard.

情态动词 + 实意动词构成谓语 . I shall go.

主谓宾 , 主谓介宾 I study English.

I look at the blackboard.

主系表 I am a student. The leaves turn red.

主谓双宾 I give him a present.

主谓宾宾补 I let you do it.

I ask you to do it.

定 状 语 A red book.

Work hard.

并 列 句 I worked and studied(x)

I worked and he studied.

2. 主从复合句

(1) 宾语从句

I study English. I think (that)… I think that she is a good student.

I made it clear that he objected to the plan.

I asked whether/if he was a good student.

I don't know whether it is raining.

I asked what he had studied. He gave me what I need.

You are wrong in that you took effect for cause.


That the sun moves around the earth is the truth.( it is the truth that……)

Whether it is raining is not known.

It is not known——computers will one day have vision as good as human vision.

A.whether B. if C. that D. how

It goes without saying that we are not living in a traditional society.

Who will come to the meeting remains unknown.

翻译题 : In a sense, what he said amounts to threat.


Your greatest fault is that you are careless.

The problem is what we should do to help him.


We feel proud that our team has won every match this year.

He wasn't sure whether he should stay or leave.

Are you certain who he is


(fact, news, idea, opinion, concern, hope, theory, decision, discovery, conclusion, report, order, question, problem, belief, truth, answer, statement, promise, possibility.)

The news that he intended to come gave us much pleasure.



When I studied, the bell rang.

She was going upstairs when suddenly the light went out.

He had no sooner died than / he had hardly died when the family arguments began.


He live where he liked.


He was late because he missed the bus.

Now that you mention it, I do remember.

I'm in a slightly awkward position, in that my secretary is on holiday at that moment.


We have so arranged matters that one of us is always on duty.

Bring it closer so that I may see it better.


He brought a big house so( that) he had more space to paint in.

He made such a good speech that he won warm applause.

翻译题 :The brothers looks so alike that it is difficult to tell them each other


If I make a promise, I keep it.

I'll lend you the money , as/so long as you take my advice.

These messages will become rubbish unless some measures have been taken.www.examda.com


Although/ though he was Spanish, he spent most of his life in Germany.

Whatever/ No matter what happens, you must be calm and quiet.

However/no matter how loudly you shout, you won't be heard.


I have changed the plan as you suggested.

As if ( as though)

比较状语从句 ( 重点 )

She is as tall as Tom( is) I arrived as early as you (did)

Mary was older/more careful than Tom( was)

Mary works harder /more carefully than Tom( does)

Bill speaks French ——( badly) than he writes it.

The –( far)away we get from the earth, the thinner the air becomes. further 进

(8) 定语从句 在从句中成份 + 连词

She is a beautiful girl. I like the girl who is beautiful.( who 主语 )

This is the film that I see.

This is the boy who (whom)(——) you met yesterday. ( 主语 )

Tell me something about the man for whom I shall be working / (whom) I shall be working for.

I read the book whose cover is red.

You are still the same person as I knew ten years ago.

I never heard such stories as he told.

This is the day when ( on which ) I joined the league.

This is the house where( in which ) I live./ This is the house I live in.

非限定性定语从句 :

He met Mary, who invited him to dinner.

I gave the book to Tom, whom/ who I found after the meeting.

Her doctor, whose office was newly decorated, started to charge higher fee.

His latest play, which was well reviewed by the critics, has been a great success.

I called him by the wrong name, for which mistake I apologized.

Prof. Emery, about whom everyone is taking these days.

There are only four areas ____ very many diamonds have been found. A.where B.when C.that D.which

Where 用在定语从句和状语从句的区别

I'll go to the place ( where I live)

I'll go wherever work conditions are difficult.


The news (that our team had won)was known to all.

This is the film that (I see)。

考题 : Such people – you describe are rare nowadays.

a. as b. that c. who d.which

Anyone ——( want) to understand the industry of the future will have to know about IT . [who want]

Who wants Many of us visited the industrial exhibition,——,to our disappointment, we saw very few high-tech products.

a. where b. which c. as d. that

3. 并列复合句

He said that he would give up smoking, but nobody believe it.

I never saw a busier person than she seemed to be; yet it was difficult to say what he she did.


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