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   日期:2024-07-08 16:30:09     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:38906    
【摘要】In the movie, Robert Redford was a spy. He goes to his office where he found eve

In the movie, Robert Redford was a spy. He goes to his office where he found everybody dead. Other spies wanted to kill him, so he takes refuge with Julie Christie. At her house, he had waited for the heat to die down, but they

为您解答为您解答 因为这个不定式的逻辑主语是人 Sb is thankful for something 也就是 This is sth for sb to be thankful. 如果是to be thanked表示的是被动,主语成了sth。但主语不应该是sth,而是人。 比如I want to be thanked for sth 而

1由点到面,构建知识网络 对所学的知识点分步地进行梳理、归纳和总结,理清知识脉络。从一个简单的语法点或一个核心句型开始延伸,理清它们的变化形式、变化规律以及与时态、语态等的关联。所谓由点到面,构建知识网络。 2由面到点,加深记忆,

天天吃米饭,喝可乐,就一定能胖,但我觉得胖没什么好,还是身体适中比较好比较合适 那就是多吃多睡觉 我也很瘦,但愿能从这里找到办法。 多吃有脂肪的东西 1.多吃高脂肪的食物 2.多睡眠 3.减少运动量 4.心情平静,减少思虑 我不跟你说那些网上


一单选 1 routine --habit 2 rate 3 denied 4 for 5 points 6 additional 7 in place of 8 with 9 Rich as she is 10 Much as 1、 Elderly ……A 2、 It is ……A 3、 Unexpectedly ……C 4、 A good manager ……C 5、 Everything ……C 6、 Besides ……B

一、单选题: 1、It took a few seconds for her eye to ( ) to the darkness. A:allocate B:adopt C:adjust D:apply 2、Tt is strongly held that new ( ) must be introduced to protect the light of the immigrants. A:constructions B:conc


1-5.BCAAD 6-10.CDBAC 11-15.ABBCB 16-20.CADBC 21-25.DCABD 26-30.BDBCA 31-35.BADCD 36.activate 37.boring 38.summarize 39.debate 40.contrary 41.network 42.evident 43.fade 44.racial 45.harmony 46.satisfaction 47.identity 48.define

2010年10月 自考 英语(二)试题及答案(标准版)第一大题:1A:protect 2D:reference 3 C:span4B:otherwise 5A:superior 6C:from 7D:afford 8B:add to 9D:adapt 10A:necessarily 第二大题:Cloze (完型填空) 主要讲述图书馆经费的问题 1

标签: 英语 考题

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