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英语翻译自考改错 英语翻译在线翻译

   日期:2024-07-05 20:06:33     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:45822    
【摘要】错的在底下划横线,然后再在后面改过来。加词的要用^这个符号,删掉的在原句上画删除/然后再在后面吧删的词写上画/49,in the hospital -> in



49,in the hospital -> in hospital 50, wife stops -> wife would stop 51, to be lived in -> to live 52, may be -> can be 53, never be let -> never let 54, capable of the work -> capable of doing the work 55, he told -> he has to

我想要过去几年的自考英语的翻译改错题及其答案。要真题。 5 就是那种有英文也有中文(已经翻译好的),可是中间有各别翻译出现错误,我们要改的就是这些错误的地方

从星期一开始,我每天熬夜写论文,到十二点才睡。这个周末我得补补觉了。 I have been staying up past midnight to write my paper every night since Monday. I have to catch up on some sleep this weekend. 一些年轻女性为了保持身材苗条,

应该用过去时 A King traveled to a remote country.The road was rugged and there were a lot of gravels which made the King's feet painful and tingling.So he commanded after returning to the royal palace that all the road should b

under the policy of reforming and opening up to the outside world, China is changeable, full of dynamism and having made continually progress which impress us most.

1.that she spent in beijing 2.who just talked with you 3.it is your turn to clean the classroom 4.please receite the poem one by one. 5.and the nature offers them lots of benifits in turn. 6.can be used to make a kind of pure p

where can i have some water? i need drink some water now. 第二句没错的原因是,need有情态动词的用法,后面直接加动词原形 祝福

1.So far the little girl has memorized two thousand English words. 2.They are so poor that they cannot afford to buy a small house. 3.Because of the rain, the water level in the river went up by one meter. 4.Suburban life canno

(3)for->towards (4)and->but Try not to act toward your co-workers andbosses as you have acted toward us. I mean, when they give you what you want but have not earned, don't abuse them, insult them, act out with them your parlou


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