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   日期:2024-09-16 11:38:13     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:35984    
【摘要】How many consumer sale units are there in a container ? The unit for electricity


How many consumer sale units are there in a container ? The unit for electricity consumption is not understandable. Could express it in kWh or MJ ? Can you give an idea of the loss of material (% loss = 1- Material output /mate

Is it suitable to use the phrase here(in this situation)? Did I read the word(+该单词拼写)properly just now?


Everybody is good, my name is XXX, is a study of packaging and environmentalengineering students. In today's society, environmental protection is an increasinglyhot topic, Protect environment is every citizen's responsibility,

Firstly, I’d like to thank you for your help, you are one of my best teacher. I am hoping I may have more and more opportunities to be your student in the future. 首先,我要感谢你的帮助,你是我最好的老师之一。我希望在将来能有更

大一的某个周末,我们刚好遇到了上海旅游节,就去了杜莎夫人蜡像馆因为只要半价。意外的是个不错的地方,我们度过了愉快的下午。然后我们一起去做了蜡手,很便宜,一只只要30人民币,还挺有意思的,你们也可以试试 On a weekend in the first ye


我出生在一个平凡的家庭,当我还蹒跚学步时,父母就开始教我认字和讲话。我在父母殷切的期望下,日复一日的成长。 2007年,我开始了校园生活,自从进入学校,不仅仅在读写能力和讲话演说方面,在数学,音乐,体育以及其他学科,我都有所发展。我

1.但到底是什么人想让那怪物袭击我呢? 2.我一直都只是想做一个普通人。(这句不是那么肯定。。。) 3.这儿倒是有个animo博士,他跟变异畜生没什么基本没区别,都不干人事儿。(这句自己添了点儿东西 但那个nutball不是很明白其实……)

Do you have any plan for the summer? Probably, I will do some part-time job. We are going to India for travelling. Wow, that's a mysterious place. But it will cost you a lot. I don't think that's a good idea. I don't think so.


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