I certify that: Liu XX, female, born in August 2, 1993, since September 1, 2013, in July 8, 2015, studied at the school of Foreign Languages Department of the Japanese Department of the 134 classes. For personal reasons, drop o
兹有**大学**学院**级**同学于**年注册为我校学生,学制**年,于**年**月休学到新西兰实习深造,将于**年**月复学并于**年**月正常毕业。 特此证明 This is to certify that Mr XXX is the matriculated **year course student of Faculty (Coll
Prove Majored in XX , from our school in 2008 ,The Student XX ,can not participate in the study due to his studying abroad . and is approved to quit school for 2 years,since June 2009 to XX , . Proof is here by given.
你如果是私人方式出国留学的话,在医院开个需要长时间休息的病例证明,然后再书面方式交给你们老师就行了。书面方式如下: 休学申请书 尊敬的院领导: 您好! 我是XX学院XX系XX级XX专业的学生XXX,本人因为~~~~~~~~原因(并事、参军等)导致现在
Studienunterbrechung Bescheinigung Werkstoffwissenschaft und Hochschule der technishen Materialien Klasse 2014-01,Student XXX, Studentennummer XXXXXX, reicht sich am 10. März 2015 Studienunterbrechnung ein, der Termin ist
Nachgewiesene Beurlaubung Ich erkl?re hiermit Studenten XXX, Geschlecht weiblich, geboren 13. M?rz 1986, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der School of Engineering Management 03 Klasse Lernen, Student XXXXXXXX, der Stud