我认为,大学生出国留学弊大于利 这要从整体和个人两个角度来打 大学生是国家和社会花心血花精力培养出来的高素质人才,目的就是希望他们在离开学校后,投入社会,学以至用,为社会的发展而奉献力量。第二,虽经受过 高等教育培养的大学生,并不
Topic: Something about going abroad (Translation practice) Perhaps,going abroad is somebody's dream which was experienced in the childhood.But actually,it is a big issue for both of the family and the individual as well.The fam
Not having painted in a long time, I tried my hardest to mix colors for the best effect possible. I meticulously polished the inside of the half shell, on which I then emulated Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh. My painting look
出国留学已成为一种潮流,请你就此问题谈一谈自己的观点,简要论述留学的利与弊。词数为100左右。 Going Abroad Nowadays study abroad is very popular. Even some primary school students, whose families are well off, are studying abroad
可以从三个方面考量。 1. 经济因素。 这里又可以分两种情况, 第一,对于经济支付完全没问题的家庭,直接进入下两个问题的讨论--孩子的意愿与能力。 第二,经济不宽裕的,如果孩子足够优秀,可以争取奖金学(奖学金的申请不容易,受诸多因素影响
啥意思 给你写啊
College graduates may want to study out of China. They need to think about what they want to do for themselves. If they stay out of Chinese for four years, their Chinese is week, the Chinese of four years ago. The other languag
天行健,君子以自强不息。大学几年得到的不仅是一张文凭,更多的是应该是知识和能力的增长。作为一名大学毕业生,毕业也不仅仅是一条"谋职"路可走,同时还有考研、留学、但是你有没有想过励志创业呢? 面对这个问题不少人首先就想的是我适合励志