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   日期:2024-07-13 22:26:45     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:36827    
【摘要】More and more students want to study abroad. A growing number of students want t

More and more students want to study abroad. A growing number of students want to study abroad.

与中国相比,国外的教育更加注重对学生各种能力的培养。 Compared with China, foreign education pay more attention to the students' development of various abilities. 开拓视野,体验不同的文化生活,同时也传播了本国文化 Widen our sigh

这个句子就讲不通埃社会是指中国社会还是其他社会,学生出国留学直接的受益者是自身,还要考虑到留学的效果怎么样,社会效应是之后的事。如果你硬要翻译,那就是There are some advantages for society to let student study abroad.

外语专业学生不一定需要出国留学过才可以当翻译,那么考核您是否具备翻译资格需要您已考试通过一系列的翻译类考试。 例如: 全国翻译专业资格(水平)考试 (China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters —CATTI ),由国家人力资

The advantage/disadvantage of studying aboard. Studying Aboard There is no doubt that going to study in a foreign country with its language and culture, can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience. But while overseas

Breathing the fresh air, realize the humanities concern, this will be an experience in China can't follow you, can not taste. Study of life will greatly broaden your horizons, the real experience of multi culture, exercise inde

时间等等就不翻译了。 Applications for the 2013/14/2 semester 2013-14第二学期申请Name of the Application 申请名Identifier 这个不知道什么Starts Ends起止日期Application maximum number 最大招生数Application to terminate student sta

My name is Huabao Wei, 17 years old, and 1.80 tall. At the moment, I am having my final year in the Eighth seniar high school in Urumqi city of Xinjiang province of China. When look back my three years high school life, it was

近日小编在网上随意翻看时偶然看到这个问题,成绩单可以自己翻译吗?作为在翻译行业多年的小编忍不住要回答一下。 答案是:不可以! 为什么不可以呢?听小编给大家细细道来。成绩单翻译一般由所在学校教务处或者档案室出具,成绩单包含学生入学

1。Valid passport 有效护照(到岸日到护照有效日一般不能少过半年)。 3. Official certificate of enrollment (Please visit GSC or OGA to get the document) 官方入学证明(请到GSC或OGA索取该文件)。GSC/OGA应该是某机构,建议到网上查询


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