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他出国留学英语怎么说 出国深造英语怎么说

   日期:2024-07-08 15:39:42     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:11661    
【摘要】【你支持他出国留学的决定吗?】英文是【Are you in favour of his decision of studying abroad?】 关键语法点是

【你支持他出国留学的决定吗?】英文是【Are you in favour of his decision of studying abroad?】 关键语法点是【in favour of】。 【in favour of】读音为【ɪn 'feɪvə əv】。 【in favour of】意思是【赞成; 支持】。 双

不需要用,用一般时 Why do you want to study abroad? 或者 Why do you want to go abroad for study?我觉得第一个更好些~

毕业后他就出国了 He went abroad after graduation. 如此即可,质量保证

翻译: Suppose she is going to study abroad, her oral English / English speaking might be qualified.

翻译如下: 出国留学更适合我 Studying abroad is more suitable for me

To our surprise,he went abroad.

study abroad

My name is Huabao Wei, 17 years old, and 1.80 tall. At the moment, I am having my final year in the Eighth seniar high school in Urumqi city of Xinjiang province of China. When look back my three years high school life, it was

Breathing the fresh air, realize the humanities concern, this will be an experience in China can't follow you, can not taste. Study of life will greatly broaden your horizons, the real experience of multi culture, exercise inde

我帮你翻译了一下,纯粹人工翻译哦! I have always been keenly fascinated by the splendid culture, gorgeous landscape and booming animation industry of Japan. Therefore my anxious desire is to pursue my further studies while expe


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