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   日期:2024-09-11 05:35:08     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:55501    
【摘要】多说!我觉得真想学的话出国留学最好。就是成本高了点!低成本的就是找老外聊天!dont be shy! 想象一下外国人找你说汉语你的态度,就知道你和他们说英语他们

多说!我觉得真想学的话出国留学最好。就是成本高了点!低成本的就是找老外聊天!dont be shy! 想象一下外国人找你说汉语你的态度,就知道你和他们说英语他们对你的想法了! http://groups.tianya.cn/tribe/showArticle.jsp?groupId=411854&arti

are you prepare to study abroad? yes,i am. and why? i think that is a good chance for me to widen our sight and richen our knowledge. which country would like to go?and do you have a dream school? i want to go to america, my dr

A: You have the study abroad idea? B: Has not had, you? A: Oh, I must prepare now to go abroad to study. B: Very good. Was only you walks me to be able to think you. A: Then we correspond. B: Good. Must leave has not very given

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美国签证面试英语之情景对话 美国:what is your name? 你叫什么名字? re:my name is ** 我叫** 美国:where are you from? 你从哪里来? re:i come from fuqing, fujian province? 我来自福建福清 美国:why do you want to study in the us/amer

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《第一部:写给即将踏入大一的朋友》 前言:个人的水平代表不了大学的水平,任何一所大学,上至清华北大等名牌高校,下至高职三本甚至民办高校,即使你能学到所在大学的百分之一,甚至千分之一,万分之一,你照样可以横行天下,所向披靡!同样,

哈哈 。。。。我知道!!!!怎么了吗?????? 直接当当吧!哈哈~~这些TOPIC内容先和老外交流咯; http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_706b8acb0100ne07.htm?213330608

标签: 英语 情景 出国

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