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   日期:2024-07-14 02:18:58     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:28535    
【摘要】Dear Professor, I am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my le

Dear Professor, I am greatly grateful that you can spare some time to read my letter. I am a Chinese undergraduate from XX, which is one of the top 10 universities in China, and I will graduate in 2009. After that, I want to co


To Whom It May Concern: As Principal of George Mason High School I am delighted to recommend to you a stellar member of our teaching staff, Mr. Samuel Cohen, and to write this letter on his behalf. Sam has taught American Histo

Examination of any quality newspaper will probably demonstrate that more of the headlines address economic problems than any other topic. The importance and relevance of economic related disciplines to the modern world have led

不用讲那么细,我每年都处理这样的情况,你照实说了,人家也不懂,人家也不清楚你们办护照的流程,所以只需要解释你要晚一周获得护照即可,之后会尽快给别人寄送过去就可以了。 Dear sir or madam, I have already got the confirmation informa


《国家留学基金管理委员会出国留学申请表》填表说明 一、《国家留学基金管理委员会出国留学申请表》(以下简称“申请表”)请从国家留学网(www.csc.edu.cn)下载,按固定格式打印空白表后填写。请注意下载“2004年版”,其他年份的申请表以及未按固

你好: 根据您的要求写出的短文,其内容远远超出了手机提问限制100字答案的标准,答案提交不了啊!

本文是一名国际贸易专业学生的英语老师为其写的一封英文推荐信。表达了这名学生的优秀给自己留下了深刻的印象。 To Whom It May Concern: It is my great pleasure to recommend Miss Lili Zhang to you, as she was one of my finest students

1.寻找合适的推荐人 一般留学申请时的推荐信需要2-3封,也就是要找2-3个推荐人。普遍的做法是老师写好内容,然后你自己去翻译成英语,也可以自己写好找老师签字,只要你的老师认可这种做法就行。不管你用哪种方法,首先要找一个好的推荐人。推荐


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