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众所周知出国留学可以开阔眼界翻译 众所周知翻译

   日期:2024-07-05 22:19:51     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:23400    
【摘要】我想说出国留学可以开阔眼界. 开阔眼界: broaden one's horizon. I wanna say that studying abroad cou

我想说出国留学可以开阔眼界. 开阔眼界: broaden one's horizon. I wanna say that studying abroad could broaden my horizon.

你好! 出国留学可以开阔眼界 Studying abroad can broaden their horizons

As we all know, books teach us to learn life, truth, science, and our knowledge, broaden our horizons.


Reading can broaden my eyeview. Reading can expand my eyesight.

增长见识翻译英文:open the mind 开阔眼界翻译英文: extend mental horizon 重点词汇: 1、open 释义: adj. 开着的;开放的;公开的 v. 打开;张开;展开;摊开;开始(某事物);开张;营业;以…开头;宣布启用 n. 户外;公开 语法:v. (动词)

开阔眼界的英文:expand one's horizon horizon 读法 英 [hə'raɪz(ə)n] 美 [hə'raɪzn] n. [天] 地平线;视野;眼界;范围 短语: 1、on the horizon 在地平线上;即将来临的 2、over the horizon 即将来临,已露端倪;

First,I must improve my english read and write ability for the new challenge.Second,I prepare to overseas study,widen my view, enrich my career, acquire better education opportunity, make a solid base for the future enterprise.

众所周知,英语是:As we all know。 例句: As we all know, some of today's children are overweight because they eat too much fast food. 众所周知,今天很多孩子都超重了,因为他们吃了太多的快餐。 详细解释: all 英[ɔ:l] 美[;

We can read books if we want to widen our horizon.


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