出国留学利大于弊还是弊大于利 面对高等教育日益开放化、多元化、国际化,我想结合这些年两个孩子一个留学,一个留国的教育经验,简单谈谈自己对于出国留学的一些看法。现今的应试制度以及教育资源分配的不平等性是我国国情决定的,必须承认中国
目前中学教育是条死路,出国是一个好方针 但相对来说,大学时出国留学的好处于缺点真是比比皆是 缺点一,留学含金量降低,反正你想进的好学校是一个没有,你好不容易挤进前一百的学校,专业又不合你意,总之好事多磨. 缺点二,到处都是中国人,中国人太多
Attending school abroad has many advantages. In the first place, by looking at our own country from the outside, we can best see the strong points of our nation, and therefore widen our vision and broaden our minds. Secondly, w
Some people believe that attending a college or university in a foreign country has many advantages. They think that attending a college or university abroad can help them learn more than they can from universities in their own
算了不骂你,本来是该骂的。给你个提纲吧。 1,从大局入手,说明出国留学对你可能造成的影响。(人生,文化,视野,社会经验) 2,从局部分多个方面描述出国之后的问题 a,文化的不同,与人沟通,对你影响 b,陌生环境,生活,朋友,对你影响,
Studying abroad In rencent years,studying abroad has been popular.Many young students prefer to study abroad rather than study in motherland. There are advantages for middle school students to go abroad for study.First,Studying
Nowadays more and more young people are going to study abroad. Like everything else, studying abroad has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the favorable aspects can be listed as follows. Firstly, they think by
小时候,母亲把我抱在膝头,讲述着一个动人的故事。然后,望着月芽儿,用很和气的声音哼着歌儿,哄我入睡。 现如今,我已长大。随着年龄的增长,与父母的代沟似乎愈加明显。母亲却从不因我的小性儿生气,只选择一个月色很美的晚上,和气地坐下来
盲从之错,就在于盲。 一位让人顶礼膜拜的哲学家,一个红彤彤的苹果,就让盲从者闻到了苹果的香味。虚无的香味来自何方?来自对权威的盲目崇拜,来自对鲜艳苹果的想当然,也来自对他人的盲目跟随。眼中只有从,故心之蔽甚矣!若想获得真相、拥抱