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   日期:2024-10-06 08:15:58     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:37806    


Dear Sir or Madam: I take great pleasure in recommending Miss Wang, one of my favorite students, for admission into your university to study computer science. Miss Wang was admitted in 2011 at 14[老婆1] years of age into t Beij

1.寻找合适的推荐人 一般留学申请时的推荐信需要2-3封,也就是要找2-3个推荐人。普遍的做法是老师写好内容,然后你自己去翻译成英语,也可以自己写好找老师签字,只要你的老师认可这种做法就行。不管你用哪种方法,首先要找一个好的推荐人。推荐

本文是一名国际贸易专业学生的英语老师为其写的一封英文推荐信。表达了这名学生的优秀给自己留下了深刻的印象。 To Whom It May Concern: It is my great pleasure to recommend Miss Lili Zhang to you, as she was one of my finest students

I have known her for more than a year, and as far as I know, she is an outgoing person who is always vibrant and willing to help others, and also a student with talent in language. The final results in her Indonesian during the


To Whom It May Concern: As Principal of George Mason High School I am delighted to recommend to you a stellar member of our teaching staff, Mr. Samuel Cohen, and to write this letter on his behalf. Sam has taught American Histo

Internship Certificate XXX, male, born on October 14th , 1990, has accomplished an internship in the Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce, P.R.China from July 10th, 2008 to September 12th, 2008. During his intern

让院长亲自写,否则别人一看就看出来了 我当年自己写了一封,让院长签字.我们院长看了觉得恶心,就替我重写了一封,大致是这样的: 我担任XXX大学XXX学院院长多年,近年已经很少推荐学生.此学生参与过我的实验课,我认为他具备在XXX方面的科研能力.现在

我是两个都签的。 像我在国外银行签字都是两个一个签。 因为不会写连笔英文的话你的签名很容易被COPY, 单写中文的话外国人又看不懂。 所以保险起见就两个都写了。 一般会回发邮件到你所填下的那些联系方式当中。


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