Nowadays, going study abroad is very popular. Many people want to the United States of America, because other people will envy them and they can get a certificate from abroad, which separate them from the students in domesticat
Dear Li Hua, Every student in our school as well as in your school will be faced with the question when he passed the college entrance examination, should he choose a good major or a good university first? Different people have
Nowadays, many people like to study abroad. Studying abroad is often considered as a great opportunity which will lead to bright future in one's ride of passage. Not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from forei
心里选好学校,然后先考雅思! 那更要先考了,不要等头出去再仓促背考,趁这两年把英语提上去,况且雅思也不是那么容易考的,成绩在几年之内都是有效的,具体几年不清楚了,你可以查一下,到时候直接出去就行了 至于分数段,按你理想学校的要求
留学的思路还是应该先选校。 讲个非常好理解的流程:出国留学首先是拿到一所院校的Offer之后去留学,特别的本科阶段,美国留学更是允许专业未定的进行两年通识的博雅教育后,再定专业。在学习的过程中慢慢理清自己的实习工作方向等等。每个学校
We all know it can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture. But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed
Some people believe that attending a college or university in a foreign country has many advantages. They think that attending a college or university abroad can help them learn more than they can from universities in their own
各有利弊吧,如果先选择院校的话 优点:1. 名校光环,能力象征 2. 资源优势,增长见识 3. 厚文化的熏陶,雄厚的人脉资源 4. 更多的奖学金、助学金 缺点 专业可能不对口 如果一心想读重点大学,而自己的分数又不是很有竞争力,那只能选读重点大学
我先发的啊,采纳我啊,快加分啊! Some people believe that attending a college or university in a foreign country has many advantages. They think that attending a college or university abroad can help them learn more than they c