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有关出国留学的英语短对话 出国留学的英语对话

   日期:2024-07-08 21:46:51     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:50615    
【摘要】are you prepare to study abroad? yes,i am. and why? i think that is a good chanc

are you prepare to study abroad? yes,i am. and why? i think that is a good chance for me to widen our sight and richen our knowledge. which country would like to go?and do you have a dream school? i want to go to america, my dr

A: You have the study abroad idea? B: Has not had, you? A: Oh, I must prepare now to go abroad to study. B: Very good. Was only you walks me to be able to think you. A: Then we correspond. B: Good. Must leave has not very given



除了钱和心里准备就没什么特别准备的了 准备太多东西很烦 而且没什么卵用

多说!我觉得真想学的话出国留学最好。就是成本高了点!低成本的就是找老外聊天!dont be shy! 想象一下外国人找你说汉语你的态度,就知道你和他们说英语他们对你的想法了! http://groups.tianya.cn/tribe/showArticle.jsp?groupId=411854&arti


主要还是看自己以后的发展方向和所选专业以及经济实力吧。因为各个国家都有自己的优势。 如果自身实力和条件都允许的话,我会首选美国哈佛。

Discuss with your partner about the consumption of famous brand products.(消费名牌产品) A:Hey, what is this? I had never seen watch like this before. B: This is iwatch, an APPLE company product. A: It looks so cool! how doe

我认为最快的提升方法就是找个外国人,天天和他讲话,坚持用英语 这个绝对比你上一年的英语强化班有用的多(我有个同学就是这么干的,绝对受益匪浅) 什么语法,固定搭配阿,等你真正出去了,一点用也没有 好好提高口语,同时也锻炼听力~~这才是英语的真


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