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   日期:2024-09-18 14:41:56     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:33385    
【摘要】Self introduction My name is KongYuHua, I was born in JiLin province on January


Self introduction My name is KongYuHua, I was born in JiLin province on January 20 in 1984. And graduated in July 2007 in dalian national college of engineering, and receive a bachelor's degree. I was born in a harmonious and h



To get out of this mood, it needs to keep clear recognition, must take care of themselves; Master the language as soon as possible, to get good grades, make oneself have a positive self-perception and positive attitude; Activel

我帮你翻译了一下,纯粹人工翻译哦! I have always been keenly fascinated by the splendid culture, gorgeous landscape and booming animation industry of Japan. Therefore my anxious desire is to pursue my further studies while expe

您好,学习英语不要有压力,1年的时间上托福80分足够了。雅思的话满分是9分哦,问一下中介老师这边看下雅思要多少分。 还有就是托福相对雅思,同分数下是要难一点的,因为托福涉及到美国政治文化,有一些词汇相对雅思是深奥的,如果首尔这边也认


Studying overseas is a dream for many students. It is their wish and goal in life to be able to extend their studies overseas where more information is available and better resources are made available to them. However, this dr

proof xx, female, xx accounting years old, is our school xx year business English major students, fukcs years xx accounting month graduate. The two subjects qualified, graduation certificate issued by the provincial department

1.loneliness 孤独 2.homesickness 思乡病 3.inferiority cimplex 自卑综合症 4.a great financial strain 经济紧张 5.costly tuition fee and higher living expenses 昂贵的学费和生活费用 6.language barrier 语言障碍 7.cultural shock 文化

标签: 急用 英语 出国

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