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小孩子出国留学的利与弊 英文作文 孩子出国留学的利与弊

   日期:2024-07-13 11:38:48     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:44963    
【摘要】一、出国留学的利 1.学习英语 语言的学习对环境的依赖性很强,在全英文的我生活环境中可以很好地锻炼自己的英文能力,出国留学生活一段时间后,个人的英文能力会有良好

一、出国留学的利 1.学习英语 语言的学习对环境的依赖性很强,在全英文的我生活环境中可以很好地锻炼自己的英文能力,出国留学生活一段时间后,个人的英文能力会有良好的提升空间 2.对自我能力的提升 选择出国留学,可以很好地锻炼自己的个人能

Attending school abroad has many advantages. In the first place, by looking at our own country from the outside, we can best see the strong points of our nation, and therefore widen our vision and broaden our minds. Secondly, w

Studying abroad is vevy good to learn a foreign language and it offers good language enviroment.middle school student is too young to go abroad,they have little experience about social life.

Advantages:It widens students' knowledge and horizons, meanwhile cultivats their independence and personalities. learn advanced knowledge and experience. Provides opportunities to students, who can learn advanced management ex

Advantages:It widens students' knowledge and horizons, meanwhile cultivats their independence and personalities. learn advanced knowledge and experience. Provides opportunities to students, who can learn advanced management ex

急求,主题为父母送孩子出国留学的利与弊的作文 首页 问题 全部问题 经济要求英文版的,急急急 要求英文版的,急急 急 展开  我来答 分享


Nowadays more and more young people are going to study abroad. Like everything else, studying abroad has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the favorable aspects can be listed as follows. Firstly, they think by

首先标明态度,支持还是不支持。 支持的话可以找出支持的理由,比如:出国留学可以拓宽孩子视野并学习到不同文化的知识,还可以结交到不同国家的好朋友。出国留学不管是留在国外还是回国,自己的海归学历都将成为孩子职场竞争中的一个法宝。 不

Studying abroad In rencent years,studying abroad has been popular.Many young students prefer to study abroad rather than study in motherland. There are advantages for middle school students to go abroad for study.First,Studying


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