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   日期:2024-07-01 13:48:29     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:18897    
【摘要】The figure of Chinese student study abroad increased sharply柱状图英文作文【篇一:英语图表作文范文】


The figure of Chinese student study abroad increased sharply


描述图表时,先把你从图中获取的东西写下来,再用图中的信息去证实它。 The bar chart shows the increase in the number of people who join in governmental employee entrance exam. Precisely, it increased steadily from 300,000 in 2005

中国有一句谚语叫:姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩。今天,姜太公又来用起了老 招数了。 这天,姜太公重又拿起了当年用的直勾钓鱼干来钓鱼了。可是,他钓了半 天,连半条鱼也没钓着,他想:既然是愿者上钩,那么现在愿者怎么没了?不 过我当年也是钓了好

图表作文的框架 As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage inthetable(graph/picture/pie/chart), _作文题目的议题_has been on the rise/ decrease (goes up/increases/drops/decreases),significantly/dramatically/steadi

The above chart/table shows/denotes (揭示含义)/As can be seen in the above chart/table, (揭示含义). The reasons may go as follows. First, (原因一). Second, (原因二). Third, (原因三). The figures given in the chart/table indicat


We all know it can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture. But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed

Going Abroad Recently, many young people, even students in high schools are dreaming of studying abroad. Attracted by the advanced scienve and technology,they are eager to go to foreign countries, thinking that they are bound t

提纲图表式作文属于控制性写作的范畴。它控制性强,便于评分。考生应仔细分析图表,引证典型数据并按提纲要求进行取材与构思。 例:Title: Changes in people's diet Outline:1. State the changes in people's diet in the past five years. 2.

标签: 作文 英语 出国

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