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   日期:2024-07-04 19:18:30     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:26129    
【摘要】热,热潮,高潮,潮流 going-abroad upsurge/upsurging(2选1,下同),upsurge/upsurging of going-abr

热,热潮,高潮,潮流 going-abroad upsurge/upsurging(2选1,下同),upsurge/upsurging of going-abroad Eg.近(年)来,(中*国)大陆掀起又一波主出国热,这波热潮主要由那些富*人掀起。 These years gradually comes another upsurge/upsurg

现在掀起了一股出国留学的热潮 Nowadays, an upsurge of studying abroad is set off

In the hot younger YinHongZhu garrel dr behind At the beginning of the new millennium in Beijing, Shanghai, foreign exhibition you sing stage - international exhibition, exhibition, exhibition unfolds American English, Australi

自上世纪改革开放以来,“出国留学热”一直有增无减,近几年的“海归热”、“凤还巢”的趋势亦是大兴;这些情况的变化也是从侧面说明了我国近几十年来经济社会发展的巨大成就。 尽人皆知的是,想要出国留学,就必须提供符合国(境)外院校的诸多材料,

I prefer that Ms. Wen can study abroad next year.


Name of college and department Date of entrance Date of graduate First degree Time of test planned total credit points points got planned prescribed points prescribed points got distributed elective points planned free elective

成绩单翻译最好的方式是学校提供英语成绩单,如果学校不能提供英文成绩单,这时就需要翻译成绩单。成绩单的翻译可以采用两种方式: 1) 交由专业翻译公司或中介翻译 这些机构在翻译之后,会在翻译件上盖上翻译章,这样英国学校就会认可翻译件。

I want to study abroad,请采纳!谢谢

学生出国留学 英文:Students studying abroad 出国留学 英文:study abroad; overseas studying; I intend to study abroad. 我打算出国留学. Many students resolve resolve to study abroad after graduation. 许多大学生都决定毕业后出国

标签: 出国 翻译 留学

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