Breathing the fresh air, realize the humanities concern, this will be an experience in China can't follow you, can not taste. Study of life will greatly broaden your horizons, the real experience of multi culture, exercise inde
我帮你翻译了一下,纯粹人工翻译哦! I have always been keenly fascinated by the splendid culture, gorgeous landscape and booming animation industry of Japan. Therefore my anxious desire is to pursue my further studies while expe
出国留学,第一个自然是带给你不同的人生经历,人生经历有多重要就无需多说了。 中国学生学了六七年的英语,也抵不过你在国外带一两年的水平,这也是很多国外留学的人告诫很多父母,您的孩子,可能在国内,英语成绩不错,但是学了多少年,却发现
We all know it can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture. But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed
Topic: Something about going abroad (Translation practice) Perhaps,going abroad is somebody's dream which was experienced in the childhood.But actually,it is a big issue for both of the family and the individual as well.The fam
理由有很多!每个家庭每个人都有不同的人生观价值观。 有的人是因为想要看到更好的世界,出去闯一闯,学更多的知识。 有的人学习不好,只能靠出去混个什么文凭回来。 有的人家里做生意,不需要读大学什么的,就出去混下学点语言也好。 有的人是
专家给出为什么要出国留学的七理由: 1. 人生经历——出国留学,第一个自然是带给不同的人生经历。开阔视野、真实体验多元文化、锻炼独立思考的能力、培养坦然面对胜利和失败的心态。 2. 语言——纯语言环境的影响是很大的,想要提高的英语水平,最
你好: 根据您的要求写出的短文,其内容远远超出了手机提问限制100字答案的标准,答案提交不了啊!
Firstly, studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language. Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to an
My name is Huabao Wei, 17 years old, and 1.80 tall. At the moment, I am having my final year in the Eighth seniar high school in Urumqi city of Xinjiang province of China. When look back my three years high school life, it was