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赞成出国留学的观点400字 善意的谎言赞成的观点

   日期:2024-07-05 15:42:06     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:19430    
【摘要】In my opinion,it is a good idea that study abroad.Dear editor, I think it is goo

In my opinion,it is a good idea that study abroad.

Dear editor, I think it is good to send teenagers aboard for further study。 Compared with China's education ,foreign education has many advantages 。It has a good education sense ,pays special attention to the training of s

反对. 1.作为一个中学生,出国之后对自己的管理是个很巨大的问题,即使有亲戚,仍然或多或少存在交流的缺失,这样就有可能造成一些半途而废的问题发生. 2.中学生出国留学用的只能是父母的钱,年纪比较小,对于学习的问题有些时候考虑不是很完善,就会造

个人独立性比较好,好奇心强,有闯劲的赞成中学就可以出国留学。 如果个人比较恋家,独立能力偏差,建议不要中学就出国留学。年龄太小,虽然出国能够锻炼自己。但是在国内也锻炼,何必非要年纪那么小就出国呢,建议大学之后再出国,也不晚。 另

Nowadays, going study abroad is very popular. Many people want to the United States of America, because other people will envy them and they can get a certificate from abroad, which separate them from the students in domesticat


Nowadays, study abroad has increasingly become a hot topic in campus with the improvement of the people’s life standard and the fast development of student exchange programs. However, there are some different views about going

首先标明态度,支持还是不支持。 支持的话可以找出支持的理由,比如:出国留学可以拓宽孩子视野并学习到不同文化的知识,还可以结交到不同国家的好朋友。出国留学不管是留在国外还是回国,自己的海归学历都将成为孩子职场竞争中的一个法宝。 不

Nowadays, many people like to study abroad. Studying abroad is often considered as a great opportunity which will lead to bright future in one's ride of passage. Not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from forei

Nowadays, study abroad has increasingly become a hot topic in campus with the improvement of the people’s life standard and the fast development of student exchange programs. However, there are some different views about going


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