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   日期:2024-07-05 12:44:46     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:33387    
【摘要】推荐信,肯定要用英文了,留学用的! 可以考虑以下的推荐人: 1、专业课老师:从学习能力、专业能力方面进行推荐; 2、学校领导或辅导员类:从综合能力方面进行推荐;

推荐信,肯定要用英文了,留学用的! 可以考虑以下的推荐人: 1、专业课老师:从学习能力、专业能力方面进行推荐; 2、学校领导或辅导员类:从综合能力方面进行推荐; 3、如果是有工作的,可以出一份工作推荐信,只要是自己的直属上司就可以,从

我有一个是商务部写的.给你看看用.我去年申请大学用的. Internship Certificate XXX, male, born on October 14th , 1990, has accomplished an internship in the Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce, P.R.China from July 1

这是我自己在写推荐信时搜集的一些模版,给你参考下。 INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU MINISTRY OF EConOMIC AFFAIRS July 11, 1986 To Whom It May Concern, This is to certify that Mr. Shu duly passed the qualification examination as a

推荐信原本是一种很具隐私性的文件,应该由推荐人亲自撰写、密封并签字。国外录取委员会通常也理所当然地认为申请者是看不到推荐信内容的。所以在表格里经常看到这么一句话:I waive my right of access to this recommendation and authorize t

to whom it may concern Mr Peter has been working with us since , he is so good blah blah blah, his enthusiasm and passion has always been encouraging us blah blah blah, he brought us a lot, made this company a better place b



I taught Mr. Che Ku Automation Principles, where he left me with a deep impression of his intellect, devotion and passion for the subject. I enjoyed many interactions with him, not only as one of my students, but also as the re

Internship Certificate XXX, male, born on October 14th , 1990, has accomplished an internship in the Investment Promotion Agency of Ministry of Commerce, P.R.China from July 10th, 2008 to September 12th, 2008. During his intern

这个行吗? 尊敬的贵公司领导: 您好!首先感谢您能抽出宝贵的时间来看我的自荐信。 本人是XX大学信息学院计算机专业2001届的应届毕业生。 在四年的大学生活中,我勤奋刻苦,力求向上,努力学习基础与专业知识,课余时间积极的去拓宽自己的知识

标签: 推荐信 出国 模板

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