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   日期:2024-10-01 09:38:44     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:19885    
【摘要】Dear Sir or Madam, I am a student in XX high school in china. I have visited the

Dear Sir or Madam, I am a student in XX high school in china. I have visited the website of your department(or university) and find the program as well as the faculty of your department interest me very much. Moreover, I believ


建议把标签改成作文,会有很多人回答。 It was last Saturday that we went to the seashore. As it is a long distance to the seashore,as a result,we spent several hours getting there.As soon as we arrived there,we were so happy that

We all know it can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture. But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed

Study abroad Nowadays, many people like to go abroad to study. Study abroad is often considered to be a very good chance. We can learn from different cultures and knowledge from abroad, study abroad can enrich our life. The sho

这主要看你想学什么。关注一下汇率,一般想学日语,韩语这样的小语种就不用说了,去各自的国家就好。 想学英语的话,就不要去那些汇率高的国家,像英国、美国这样的就算了。可以考虑下像菲律宾,新西兰等。你可以自己上网查下,另外5万人民币实

楼主 可以选择欧洲国家啊 法国 德国 意大利 西班牙等等 亚洲就更不是必须的了 日本 韩国 马来西亚 我有朋友去这些国家的 在国内有些预科学校的 你去读一段时间小语种 掌握基本交流语言 就可以了 比如韩语就很简单呢 还有新加坡我去过 是要英语的

之前我咨询了很多家 比较介钱以及试听过后的感觉.好.,我选择了ABC天丅英语中心,他们的外教都是有五、六年的教学经验 课前课后还有学习顾问回答问题 并追踪进度,是根据个人英语水平自己选择课程,特别是口语和听力,最好能是外国人教学..Advan

attending school abroad has many advantages. in the first place, by looking at our own country from the outside, we can best see the strong points of our nation, and therefore widen our vision and broaden our minds. secondly, w

幸福是什么? 看你自己怎么看待它了。很多时候,简单就是一种幸福。生活本来就太多的诱惑,太多的追求和渴望会让原来简单纯粹的人生变的迷茫与困惑起来。什么是幸福?这是个太老套的问题,我想每个人的答案和标准都不同,不过有一点是肯定的。那


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