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   日期:2024-11-19 13:52:36     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:34337    
【摘要】In china, it is the traditional for high school students attend university after

In china, it is the traditional for high school students attend university after they graduate from high school for about three months. Many students will use these three months to stay home for relax. However, now there are so

这个我有经验了。过来人给你传授经验。。 1.听力 专四的听力一般属于中等水平,只要你静下心,认真听还是能拿到一定分数的。这就要靠你平时的听力练习了。平时多听听新闻,VOA,BBC,全世界最标准的英语都在这了,如果你每天跟着它联系,听力口语

题目说明 根据所给的作文题目、图标或阅读材料等,写一篇200词左右的作文。文章题材主要属于说明文、议论文或记叙文。考试时间45分钟。 要写好作文,注意以下几点: 1合理分配时间 先用大约5分钟通读题目要求和阅读材料,把握材料意思,便于提炼

悬崖之上,再美的绽放也只是瞬息… -题记我,一只被蒙上“90后”面纱的羔羊。 我独自,在人生道路上徘徊不定。前方的路有多远,多曲折?我不知道。过了许多个转角,我习惯了,习惯了这漫无目的的旅程。我小心翼翼地向前,蹑手蹑脚,如履薄冰。事实

"The work can easily drive a person to boredom (无聊), but I don't complain. That's what I studied in university and where my talent lies," said the quiet 31-year-old. Profile NAME : Wang QichaoAGE : 31JOB : auditorQUOTE : "You

专四题目:为大公司还是小公司工作? Some people prefer to work for a large company while others prefer to work for a small company. What is your view? 专四范文: Choose a Big Company Whether a small or a big company is better sh

专四题目:考试是好还是坏? When we entered primary school, we started to work hard in the hope of passing the examinations. There is no doubt that examinations have become part of students' lives. As it is so important for us, w

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