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   日期:2024-09-13 02:02:55     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:53341    
【摘要】Firstly studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better a


Firstly studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language. Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to anot

Advantages:It widens students' knowledge and horizons, meanwhile cultivats their independence and personalities. learn advanced knowledge and experience. Provides opportunities to students, who can learn advanced management ex

只有中文的 出国留学的弊端: 很多学生出国后经常逃课,疯狂购物等等,严重耽误学习以及浪费金钱,这些都与出国前的教育有关。留学时寂寞是也很不容易克服的;另外,现在出国留学的人员太多,有些国外的学校为了收钱,已经开始大批量招收中国留学

出国留学如果不和国外人接触就没提高,作业什么的现在国内有很多人从事帮留学生写作业的工作。 因为国外一般作业都是些报告类型的。他们只要交了作业 完成了课程 就能毕业

英译文如下: 1, a big traffic jam on the road, and now it must be rush hour. 2, generally speaking, students need three months to adjust to life in English environment, the full six months to adapt to English teaching. 3, study

荷兰留学费用低,教学质量高;全公立大学,学历全球认可;全英文授课、师资全球化;反签证程序,签证率高;合法打工,不要保证金。 荷兰是一个理想的留学目的国,在商科、法学、物流、金融、医学、通讯、电子、建筑、农业、生命科学、艺术、自然

As far as I can see ,there are several resaons why more and more Chinese students tend to go abroad to further their study. Firstly, some believe that foreign universitis provide better education than local universities do.They

现在出国留学的学生 挺多的 现在经济社会文明发展越来越好,对于文明的重视程度很高 ,也可以为国家做贡献

1. 教育就应该是一个完整的过程,如果我们接受了不完整地基础教育,在接受西方的教育,那么这样的教育会是优质的吗? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. 目前国内一般都是自费出国留学,这就

Now there are increasing people to go study overseas. And also there are some advantages and disadvantages. As we all know the eduational quality is better than national's. People can learn the most advanced techniques aboard.


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