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出国留学热 英语怎么说

   日期:2024-07-02 18:59:26     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:45573    
【摘要】留学热:craze interest in studying abroad热,热潮,高潮,潮流 going-abroad upsurge/upsurging(2

出国留学热 英语怎么说

留学热:craze interest in studying abroad

热,热潮,高潮,潮流 going-abroad upsurge/upsurging(2选1,下同),upsurge/upsurging of going-abroad Eg.近(年)来,(中*国)大陆掀起又一波主出国热,这波热潮主要由那些富*人掀起。 These years gradually comes another upsurge/upsurg

In the hot younger YinHongZhu garrel dr behind At the beginning of the new millennium in Beijing, Shanghai, foreign exhibition you sing stage - international exhibition, exhibition, exhibition unfolds American English, Australi

Now days, many people choose to study abroad instead of studying at home. Here are some of my advice.We all know that studying abroad has many advantages. We weill have a good environment to learn language. In addition, we can

不需要用,用一般时 Why do you want to study abroad? 或者 Why do you want to go abroad for study?我觉得第一个更好些~

北美趣西经! 16G托福干货资料在此! 北美趣西经16G备考攻略能满足你的那些需求? ①资料涵盖听说读写,满足全方面、多角度、系统化复习需要 ②资料按难度整理,无论你在托福前中后哪个阶段都适应 ③资料绝对没有水货,绝对重点难点突出,干货满满

government-sponsored overseas study government-sponsored 公派,国家赞助支持的 overseas study留学,海外学习 偏正结构 government-sponsored公派的,作定语 oversea 海外的,国外的,作定语 study 学习,作主语 语法 多个形容词修饰名词时

翻译如下: 出国留学更适合我 Studying abroad is more suitable for me

Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying a striking popularity among adolescents. importance should be attached to studying abroad. There are a great many advantages of studying overseas. First and foremost, living and st

The tuition fee for international student is too high to their families. 自己动手,丰衣足食

标签: 英语 出国 留学

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