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挑战我出国留学的英语作文 关于出国留学英语作文

   日期:2024-07-08 08:03:56     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:37942    
【摘要】不同人会有不同观点,我只写几个,你可以再改改,可能有错误,哪句不会我翻给你1,(1)study abroad is a challenge because th


不同人会有不同观点,我只写几个,你可以再改改,可能有错误,哪句不会我翻给你1,(1)study abroad is a challenge because the students will feel lonely who live by himself. (2)it may also make them hard to study and make a living beca

Nowadays, going study abroad is very popular. Many people want to the United States of America, because other people will envy them and they can get a certificate from abroad, which separate them from the students in domesticat

Nowadays, many people like to study abroad. Studying abroad is often considered as a great opportunity which will lead to bright future in one's ride of passage. Not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from forei

We all know it can be a frustrating and sometimes painful experience going to study in a foreign country, with its different language and culture. But while overseas study has its drawbacks, the difficulties are far outweighed

您好,以下是原创示例:In today's society, studying abroad is no longer as difficult as it was a long time ago. Parents want their children to have better learning opportunities. Children also want to see a wider world. So they c

Dear Sir or Madam, I am a student in XX high school in china. I have visited the website of your department(or university) and find the program as well as the faculty of your department interest me very much. Moreover, I believ

Some people believe that attending a college or university in a foreign country has many advantages. They think that attending a college or university abroad can help them learn more than they can from universities in their own

Firstly, studying abroad is the best way to learn a language.there is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language. Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to an

Directions: You are allowed 40 minutes to write an essay no less than 150 words on the following topic. 1.Going abroad for studies costs a large sum of money. 2. But even so it attracts many young people. 3.Do you like to join

Recently, a high school students called ZhangMing went to study in the University of Washington.ITo widens his' knowledge and horizons, 哥们不是我不帮你,是字数限制100字,不然给Q?


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