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   日期:2024-07-15 17:26:39     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:52178    
【摘要】The number of Chinese students studying abroad increases each year.In China, the

The number of Chinese students studying abroad increases each year.

In China, the number of students that study abroad is increasing. But studying abroad is not necessarily a good investement. The number of students with a foreign diploma who are looking for a job do not have any advantage over

With the increasing number of people going abroad in recent years, many people have had some doubt whehter going abroad is good or bad.


全球译星翻译公司是一家专业的翻译机构,严格的业务流程,贴心服务到家。在家坐等就可以为您提供最全面的翻译服务。下面是用户最关心的小问题,为您解答一下。 留学材料翻译 1.留学申请材料(To translate the materials for supporting your app

Nowadays, more and more people desire to go abroad for study.


xx省xx市xx中学成绩单 xx No. x Middle School of xx Official Transcripts 姓名(Name):xxx(x xx) 性别(Gender):男(Male) 出生日期(Date of Birth):19xx年x月x日(Nov。x, 19xx) 入学日期(Enrollment Date):2009年9月(Septemb

学生出国留学 英文:Students studying abroad 出国留学 英文:study abroad; overseas studying; I intend to study abroad. 我打算出国留学. Many students resolve resolve to study abroad after graduation. 许多大学生都决定毕业后出国

the chance of studying abroad

标签: 出国 人数 翻译

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