公派留学 英文:Public study abroad 或者:government-sponsored oversea education Were you sponsored by the government or self - supported? 你是由国家公派的还是自费留学?
国家公派留学预备生 Public faction of country studies abroad getting ready for a life 免试研究生 Be excused from an examination graduate student 公派留学生 Male faction student studying abroad
government-sponsored overseas study government-sponsored 公派,国家赞助支持的 overseas study留学,海外学习 偏正结构 government-sponsored公派的,作定语 oversea 海外的,国外的,作定语 study 学习,作主语 语法 多个形容词修饰名词时
1、可以试一试申请公费留学,但是公费留学竞争非常大,而且国家只出生活费用,学费也是自己承担。相比较而言你可以双方面争取,一方面争取公费留学,另一方面同时申请国外奖学金。 2、如果都能申请成功当然最好,如果公费留学不能成功申请国外全
Scholarship students were sent to the State 或者National government study abroad scholarship 给个例句给你 1.In 1990, China completed its plan of sending 3,000 government-sponsored students abroad for academic pursuits. 1990年国
The national public school study abroad English training class 国家公派出国留学英语培训班
If the relationship doesn't make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one.
国家建设高水平大学公派留学 National construction high level university students were sent to 您好,答题不易 如有帮助请采纳,谢谢