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出国留学热英文 出国留学的英文

   日期:2024-07-07 20:12:52     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:22954    
【摘要】热,热潮,高潮,潮流 going-abroad upsurge/upsurging(2选1,下同),upsurge/upsurging of going-abr

热,热潮,高潮,潮流 going-abroad upsurge/upsurging(2选1,下同),upsurge/upsurging of going-abroad Eg.近(年)来,(中*国)大陆掀起又一波主出国热,这波热潮主要由那些富*人掀起。 These years gradually comes another upsurge/upsurg

Now days, many people choose to study abroad instead of studying at home. Here are some of my advice.We all know that studying abroad has many advantages. We weill have a good environment to learn language. In addition, we can

国家没有这样的统计。。但是每个国家都有,什么有多少留学生在境内的统计,所以很多时候你看到的数据就是,留学生在哪个国家共多少,不是以年来算的。。。要查只有一个一个看,对比,国外一般有统计,但不一定针对中国,查英文的。。。 一般留学

同时出现的就是“中国留学热” at the same time there had emerged "the studying abroad apree of Chinese."

In the hot younger YinHongZhu garrel dr behind At the beginning of the new millennium in Beijing, Shanghai, foreign exhibition you sing stage - international exhibition, exhibition, exhibition unfolds American English, Australi

Nowadays, going abroad for studies is enjoying a striking popularity among adolescents. importance should be attached to studying abroad. There are a great many advantages of studying overseas. First and foremost, living and st


出国留学热原因,出国可以开阔眼界和经验,可以学习与国外语言、文化知识,国外更加注重基础教育,追求更好的教育条件,为将来获得更好的工作环境打下基矗 留学,旧称留洋,一般是指一个人去母国以外的国家接受各类教育,时间可以为短期或长期(

英语基础不好,问题就大了。不管你学A-LEVEL 还是AP啊,都是全英语教学,还要过语言关,比如雅思或托福之类的,如果考美国的还要考SAT呢。到深圳的话相关的学校或辅导机构就较多了。推荐:深圳国际教育交流学院和飞秒时代国际课程辅导。

中国的科研能力不强,很多最优秀的人都出国搞研究。这样出国的名声就非常好,国外的大学很多,特别很多国家把留学产业化,对很多差生来讲,留学是上大学唯一的机会。 中国最好和最差的学生都要出国,自然很热。


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