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   日期:2024-09-16 02:03:12     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:53155    
【摘要】I hope I can study in the United States in the future 我希望将来我能在美国留学I wish I could

I hope I can study in the United States in the future 我希望将来我能在美国留学

I wish I could go abroad once 我希望能出国一次

Personal plans My name is Shao Liqin, Lianjiang from Fuzhou, Fujian Fuzhou in 2008 graduated from the School of Economics, is studying at the Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou University, learning the computer network pr

如果以后从事外语工作,出国肯定是一个不错的选择。毕竟国外有语言环境,学习语言更加容易,在国内想学好一门外语要付出的更大的努力。 出国留学的好处: 1、在国外的学校留学,可以更多的接触到世界最先进的技术和教育形式,在原来学习的基础上

你好。我希望你在将来能在北京大学学习 翻译成英语是:I hope you will be able to study at Peking University in the future. ——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

首先说明下……我也是明年毕业,这些留学准备工作也是第一次准备…… 但为了写Personal Statement,Recommendation Letter,还有英文成绩单什么的,我查了两个礼拜的资料……所以对这个也算很熟了。 实话实说,光看你写的这几段……确实惨不忍睹……不是说


那你直接去英国读A-LEVEL课程,这样可以考英国所有的大学,包括牛津,剑桥,帝国理工,伦敦政经.(这个在深圳教育国际交流学院也可以读). 或者你高三会考通过后就去英国读半年的语言,然后读大学预科.但这个你不能申请以上我提到的大学,不过还有SOAS,Wa

In the teaching actively explore and innovation, the leader is the school English teaching. As a research group leader, the teacher plays a good guidance and exemplary role, especially on the growth of young teachers give a lot

Nowadays, many people like to study abroad. Studying abroad is often considered as a great opportunity which will lead to bright future in one's ride of passage. Not only can we learn different cultures and knowledge from forei

标签: 英文 出国 将来

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