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   日期:2024-09-12 08:15:10     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:47449    
【摘要】Hi David, Thank you for your kind mail.I have decided to stay in China to comple


Hi David, Thank you for your kind mail.I have decided to stay in China to complete my colleage life.I know you and your family members are all welcome me to your country to study higher education,but I have made my mind.I belie

澳大利亚高校及政府网站上有相关的文件,可以去 http://www.immi.gov.au/ http://australia.gov.au/ 及你要申请的高校international student那边查看下

Why should your child study abroad? There are more and more Chinese parents are choosing to send their children to university abroad after high school in China. Many parents see the success enjoyed by other people's children an

Topic: Something about going abroad (Translation practice) Perhaps,going abroad is somebody's dream which was experienced in the childhood.But actually,it is a big issue for both of the family and the individual as well.The fam

Recently, a high school students called ZhangMing went to study in the University of Washington.ITo widens his' knowledge and horizons, 哥们不是我不帮你,是字数限制100字,不然给Q?

Some people believe that attending a college or university in a foreign country has many advantages. They think that attending a college or university abroad can help them learn more than they can from universities in their own

To get out of this mood, it needs to keep clear recognition, must take care of themselves; Master the language as soon as possible, to get good grades, make oneself have a positive self-perception and positive attitude; Activel

本科留学文书包含个人简历,推荐信,个人陈述。具体介绍:简历:通常称作Resume。更正式的叫法是Curriculum Vitae,很多大学的申请材料并不要求附有简历,但递送简历已经成为申请过程中的一种习惯做法了。 推荐信:即Recommendation Letter, 也

到这里论坛问问他们当年的推荐信 有人可能有底稿



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