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   日期:2024-07-14 14:56:42     来源:百业网    作者:百业网    浏览:41497    
【摘要】准备去纽约读研究生的那一年,顺道走了趟芝加哥,听说那里要放烟花。为着什么事,我已经忘记了,但却清楚记得在烟花绽开的那一刻,我的眼角也有点潮湿。 香港有首歌,歌中

准备去纽约读研究生的那一年,顺道走了趟芝加哥,听说那里要放烟花。为着什么事,我已经忘记了,但却清楚记得在烟花绽开的那一刻,我的眼角也有点潮湿。 香港有首歌,歌中唱“多得这雨势,将烟花扑毁,才让我感到凡事会枯萎……”当年很煽情,而我则

自己写的额。 if i study overseas First, i think it is a good environment for me to learn english well.Altough we have foreign teacher in China, it is quite different .On abroad you can make full use of english, because you have

写你在国外看到一些不文明现象,这是说出你的感悟,比如从自身做起之类的。在写你看到国外一些先进科技,写你要好好学习,他日报效祖国之类的。 望采纳。

翻译: Suppose she is going to study abroad, her oral English / English speaking might be qualified.

Nowadays, going study abroad is very popular. Many people want to the United States of America, because other people will envy them and they can get a certificate from abroad, which separate them from the students in domesticat

我在国外读了2年书啦,我觉得可以从以下方面着手: 教学方式不同,国外都没有课本的啦,都是老师自己做幻灯片,然后给你一张读书清单,要是感兴趣就自己去图书馆找来读。 考核方式多样化,考试的类型可能是笔试(闭卷或开卷),演讲(个人或小组

Dear Sir or Madam, I am a student in XX high school in china. I have visited the website of your department(or university) and find the program as well as the faculty of your department interest me very much. Moreover, I believ

手机版 我的知道 百度一下假如你是李华,你准备出国留学时遇到了困难,想求助英语假如 出国留学 英语 李华 搜索资料 本地图片 图片链接 提交回答 匿名 回答自动

It has been 2 days since i didn't come here and write my diary.today is the totally holiday for the first time. i got so much fun.i went to meet a friend who i didnt know before.she is my college's girlfriend in the future.hehe


标签: 英语 出国 留学

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