◎ 搓澡 cuōzǎo
[give sb.a rubdown with a damp towel] 洗澡时由别人帮助擦洗身体
1.give sb. a rubdown with a damp towel (in a public bathhouse); scrub and wash
洗澡时由人给擦背除去垢腻。 逯斐 《市长的代表来了》:“提意见是给我搓澡,去毛病。”
◎ 搓澡 cuōzǎo
[give sb.a rubdown with a damp towel] 洗澡时由别人帮助擦洗身体
1.give sb. a rubdown with a damp towel (in a public bathhouse); scrub and wash
洗澡时由人给擦背除去垢腻。 逯斐 《市长的代表来了》:“提意见是给我搓澡,去毛病。”